Top 10 VS Code Extensions for Web Development

Top 10 VS Code Extensions for Web Development

In the cut-throat competition in the market, it has never been easy to stand out. But the continuous evolution of software development tools, technologies, and practices has catered to developers in the long run. For example, VS Code is one common platform developers prefer for code editing. And there are many VS Code Extensions for Web Development that have helped developers streamline and accelerate their development process.

In addition, these extensions simplify the programming requirements to deliver the best results for developers and the business.

What is the best VS code Extensions For Web Development?

Some of the best VS Code extensions for web development are -

  1. Better Comments

  2. CSS Peek

  3. ESLint

  4. GitLens

  5. JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets

  6. Live Server

  7. Peacock

  8. Prettier

  9. TODO Highlight

  10. VScode-icons

Better Comments

It helps in code commenting by helping you to create human-friendly comments in the code. This extension helps organize the code by categorizing the annotations into different forms like alerts, queries, to-do’s, strikethroughs, and highlights. In addition, it also supports over 30+ languages, including C, C++, Javascript, Java, Kotlin, Ruby, Scala, and many more.

CSS Peek

As the name suggests, it allows peeking at CSS ID and class strings from HTML files. It is one of the best VS Code extensions that helps improvise the software development process. In addition, it supports symbol definition tracking and Symbol Provider to quickly jump to the right code if you know the ID name. It also works with HTML and EJS and allows you to edit the CSS inline when needed.


It is a great tool for any Javascript project enabling clean code alongside an easy onboarding process. It makes the code review process seamless and is a user-friendly tool with over 25 million downloads and 1.5k stars on GitHub. In addition, it helps with implementing consistent brace styles for all control statements alongside no-restricted imports. ESLint also enables padding-line-between-statements enabling the developers to understand the code easily.


It incorporates the capabilities of Git with VSCode, enabling you to keep multiple versions of your code. It also allows the developer to see the changes made in the code, along with code authorship via Git, making the history browsing process easier.

In addition, it is highly customizable, allowing you to turn off a setting if not used. It has a current line blame annotation and a status bar blame annotation to make the coding easier and seamless.

JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets

With over 11.3 million downloads, it is a must-have extension for a Javascript developer. It helps provide code snippets in the ES6 format and is easily accessible with shortcut keys. It helps in saving a lot of time and also automates the JavaScript coding process. It supports different languages like HTML and libraries and frameworks like React, Vue, and others. In addition, it also improves the developer experience on VS Code and allows you to find a particular object in a collection easily.

Live Server

With over 32 million downloads and 4.8k stars on GitHub, it is one of the best VS Code extensions for web development. It facilitates launching a local development server for static and dynamic pages along with a real-time reload feature. It also allows you to manage and track changes and easily identify the errors in the code. In addition, it displays real-time changes in the code, supports quick development, is customizable, and supports HTTPS, Proxy, and SVG.


With over 2.1 million downloads on the marketplace, it enables you to change the color of the VS Code workspace. It is highly preferred when developers work on multiple VS Code instances to distinguish between them easily. In addition, it is easy to set up and use and allows you to color your editor when you host or attend a Live Share session.


With over 30 million downloads, it is a code formatter that helps customize the code in an attractive, consistent, and organized manner. It ensures high-quality code standards that help create well-structured code quickly and efficiently, thus saving time and energy. It also supports different languages and integrates well with different editors.

In addition, it is easily configurable and also allows you to customize code format on save or selection.

TODO Highlight

With over 3.3 million installs, this VS Code extension helps highlight the code's TODOs, FIXMEs, keywords, annotations, and others. It helps you identify and review the TODOs by highlighting them before the code is pushed to the production environment. It also provides a list of highlighted annotations in a separate file and supports different colors to identify the TODOs easily.


It is another important VS code extension, with over 13.6 million downloads. It helps create descriptive and different icons for VS Code to categorize the files and folders easily. It is highly effective when working under team collaboration, allowing you to deliver an exceptional end-user experience.

In addition, it also facilitates custom configuration and allows you to customize or change the icons associated with each extension.

Final Thoughts

The above-mentioned are some of the best VS Code Extensions for Web Development. These extensions will surely help you easily code and develop high-end applications for businesses and clients.

If you are into the software development business, you can give the aforementioned extensions a thought and consider using them in your next project.


Is VS Code a web development tool?

It is a fast, open-source, customizable, and feature-rich source code editor developed by Microsoft that helps create, edit, debug, and publish web applications.

How many extensions does VS Code have?

The innumerable extensions in VS Code make it so popular in the marketplace. However, it has more than 30,000+ extensions that facilitate different features to streamline the software development process.

Why do developers prefer using Visual Studio Code?

Visual Studio Code is widely used by developers worldwide for the number of features it provides. It has cross-platform support, is lightweight and powerful, highly extensible, has built-in Git support, and has a large and active community.